project Title

Survey and Design of Kingfisher Access Road

Project Description

Periodic Road Maintenance Contract for Kampala-Jinja Road (72 km) and the Rehabilitation of Njeru-Nyenga Road (9.8 km) comprised the repairs to the potholes and shoulders in accordance with specifications. Several new cross culverts were constructed and the side drains were lined. Some sections on the climbing lanes had deteriorated very badly and were posing a danger to the safety of the road users. To address this, the base was removed and reconstructed completely before a new 50 mm ashpalt surface dressing was applied.

The Njeru –Nyenga Road was rehabilitated fully to bitumen standards with a single surface dressing due to financial limitations, emphasis being focused on constructing new drains to accommodate the storm water runoff and to engineer the clay sections to acquire improvement in strength parameters


Client: Ministry of Works & Transport
Status: Completed
Services: Road Maintenance